Combined Contraceptive Pill

Combined Contraceptive Pill

The combined contraceptive pill (also called the pill) is a type of hormonal contraception.

It contains the hormones oestrogen and progestogen and prevents pregnancy by stopping the ovaries releasing an egg each month.

The combined pill is not suitable for everyone.

It’s over 99% effective if you use it correctly all the time. If not used correctly, for example missing a pill, it’s less effective. When you stop taking the pill, your fertility usually returns to previous levels after about a month.

The pill can help with acne, heavy or painful periods, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and endometriosis.

Although rare but the pill can increase the risk of blood clots. However, selecting products such as Microgynon, Rigevidon and Ovranette can help minimise this risk as these products have a lower chance of causing this compared to the others. 

The pill carries a small risk of developing breast and cervical cancer. 

The pill requires yearly blood pressure and weight checks.

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Combined Contraceptive Pill

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