

It is a condition that occurs when the movements of the bowel are less frequent and it becomes difficult to pass the stool. Constipation can happen due to changes in the diet or the routine. It may also happen when fiber consumption becomes inadequate. In case of severe pain and if there is blood in the stool or if the condition persists for more than a span of three weeks then a healthcare provider should be consulted.

Constipation - an overview

Less than three movements of bowel may lead to the condition of constipation. Some other symptoms that define this condition include: dry and hard stool, painful bowel movements and difficulty faced at the time of passing the stool, a feeling is there that the bowels have not been emptied completely. Consumption of Constipation Medicine could prove to be of immense help.

What leads to the condition of constipation?

This condition of constipation arises when the colon or the large intestine absorbs water in excess amounts from the stool. This leads to hardening of the stool and it becomes difficult to push it out of the body. Constipation Medicine actually helps sort this problem out. 

A more detailed scenario is as follows: The food consumed moves through the digestive tract and the intestines gradually and slowly absorbs the nutrients. The food which is partially digested or is the waste moves into the large intestine from the small intestine and it gets converted into the stool. The colon absorbs water from the waste which is generated and this makes it more hard and also solid. In case of constipation, the food moves at a slower pace through the digestive tract. This gives the colon too much time for absorbing the water from the generated waste. This makes the stool hard and dry and also difficult to push it out of the body. Constipation Medicine should be consumed to get rid of the condition of constipation.

The causes of constipation

Factors associated with the lifestyle, the medical conditions of a person and the medications may lead to the condition of constipation.

Some of the lifestyle factors include:

• Inadequate consumption of fiber

• Insufficient consumption of water

• Consuming milk and cheese in large quantities

• And there are more to add to the list


Some medications that can cause the condition include:

• Strong medicines to relieve pain

• Iron pills

• Antidepressants

• Antacids

• Psychiatric medications

Some medical conditions that cause the problem include:

• Diabetes, Hypercalcemia

• Obstruction in the intestine

• Neurologic disorders

The symptoms of constipation

• Feeling of nausea

• Difficulty at the time of passing the stool

• Hard and dry stool

• Stomache

In cases such as these, Constipation Medicine is required.


The Diagnosis of Constipation

• Drinking sufficient amount of water

• Avoiding drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol

• Consuming fruits, vegetables, high-fiber food

• Avoid consuming meat

• Consuming Constipation Medicine


What causes constipation?

When the large intestine consumes too much water from the waste generated or the stool then it leads to the hardening of the stool and it causes constipation.

How can constipation be prevented?

Consuming well-balanced food that contains plenty of fiber, drinking plenty of water, can prevent this condition of constipation from occurring. 

When should the healthcare provider be consulted?

When there is blood in the stool, when a person keeps losing weight, severe pain is faced during bowel movements, the condition of constipation persists for more than three weeks, it is then that the healthcare provider should be consulted.

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