Ear Infection

Ear Infection

Ear Infection Treatment

Swimmer’s Ear which is also known by the name of otitis externa. It is an ear infection where particularly the ear canal gets affected. The ear canal serves as the connector between the outer ear and the middle ear. It can either be a bacterial infection or a fungal infection. This Ear Infection Treatment often proceeds ahead with the help of ear drops that nullify the impact of the infection. 

Impact over hearing

• Swimmer’s Ear or otitis externa is an infection in the ear canal.

• Hearing can be muffled if the condition is left untreated.

• In some cases it might lead to a temporary loss of hearing


The Symptoms of the infection

• The condition can be mild or severe

• Pain in the ear could increase if the earlobe is gently tugged

• The infection could cause fever

• Generally a kind of fluid comes out of the ear

• It becomes itchy inside the ear

• Hearing is muffled

• There is redness and swelling in the outer ear

• There are swollen lymph nodes around the ear and in the upper part of the neck


The causes

There are several reasons which lead to the onset of the condition of Swimmer’s Ear. However the most important factor that causes Swimmer’s Ear revolves around any kind of activity that leads to the trapping of water in the ear canal. Bacteria as well as fungi live in places where there is warmth and moisture. So when they come in contact with the ear where the water gets pooled, eventually they enter the place, settle in, begin to multiply and thus lead to the condition of Swimmer’s Ear. 

More than fungus it is a bacterium that is more likely to cause the infection of Swimmer’s Ear. In certain other situations, a combination of pathogens could cause the condition. Bacteria that are known to cause this infection of Swimmer’s Ear are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. While the Fungi that are known to cause the infection are Candida and Aspergillus. Ear Infection Treatment can be done with the help of appropriate medicine. 

Certain factors to be considered

• In the case of certain skin problems like Eczema and Psoriasis in the ear canal may increase the chances of having Swimmer’s Ear

• If the ear is somehow injured, that is to say, by inserting sharp objects like pins and clips to remove the ear wax then the ear canal might be scratched paving way for infections. Ear Infection Treatment should be done in case the infection occurs.

• While swimming in the lakes, streams and ponds, the condition of Swimmer’s Ear can occur.

• Dirt can also increase the probability of ear infections like Swimmer’s Ear


The associated complications

A. If the condition of Swimmer’s Ear persists for more than three months then it takes the form of chronic ear infection and this happens as a result of combined bacterial and fungal infection and in such a case proper Ear Infection Treatment should be provided.

B. Cellulitis - this may result if the ear infection spreads into the inner layers of the skin.

C. Osteomyelitis - this complication occurs in the rare cases when the swimmer’s ear infection takes the form of outer ear infection.



The healthcare provider treats the ear infection by giving appropriate medicines after testing the fluid that drains out of the ear. Proper diagnosis is required as Swimmer’s Ear infection should not be confused with middle ear infection which is another condition that might occur in children.



What are the different ways to fight Swimmer’s Ear infection?

Ear drops are prescribed to treat the condition of Swimmer’s Ear Infection. Different recommendations include the following: 

• Antibiotic ear drops are given to treat the bacterial infection

• Antifungal ear drops are given to treat the fungal infection

• Steroid ear drops are given to reduce the inflammation caused


What are the different ways to prevent Swimmer’s Ear infection from occurring?

The most effective way to prevent the occurrence of Swimmer’s Ear infection is by keeping the ears in the dry state. Swimming in polluted water should be avoided. Sticking anything into the ear canal should be avoided. Water should be drained out of the ear. Use of earplugs is recommended while swimming. 


What happens if the condition of Swimmer’s Ear is left untreated?

When the condition of Swimmer’s Ear is not treated properly then it might lead to the spreading of the infection to other parts and complications might arise.

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Ear Infection